hello there..
today i had a 'taklimat' for my Ko-k..
next Monday i'll have my first guitar lesson in my life..huhu
fortunately we don't have to bring our own guitar that day..
but on the 2nd class which is on Thursday, we hv to bring a guitar..
i want to go buy it this weekend but i don't know how to choose..
i already ask the teacher but he wants to teach us
how to choose a guitar on that 1st class..
i wonder if i hv enough time to buy it b4 Thursday..iskk
i want to borrow from a friend but i don't know who has a guitar..
and with the scholarship not being 'debited' into my account yet,
where can i get money to buy the guitar?
help me!!!!
please let me borrow ur guitar for that 2nd class b4 i go buy my own..
at first, i thought tanti n i are the only female in that class..
or at least the only female who wears 'tudung' but it's a relieved (<-- is this word correct?)
coz there is 7 of 'us' there..
and if i not mistaken, the females in that guitar class are more than the males..
hmm enough talking bout today..i'll continue after the 1st class......
-to be continued-
WHERE to borrow the guitars??
plz, find it for me too..
no money also...
haha..sem depan nak amik ko-k guitar laa..nanti pinjam gitar ko ek..
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