yesterday was my 2nd day guitar class..we were taught about the note of the guitar..bout fretboard and platrum aka pick..i already understand bout the notes but i wonder how i'll memorized all of it..huhu
usually, the acoustic guitar has 6 strings..they are arranged from the thinnest to the thickest string from bottom to the top respectively..the thinnest string is the 1st string while the thickest string is the 6th from the bottom, 1,2,3,4,5,6..hmm there are 12 notes which are made up from 7 alphabet..A,B,C,D,E,F & G..the 1st string is E note..2nd is B, and then G,D,A,E
respectively..actually i don't know how to explain but i just write what i understand..each fret has its own note..for example,for the 6th string, the note is actually E but for the 1st fret, its note is F, for 2nd fret is F#,3rd is G,4th is G# and the fifth is A..i already memorized all the notes but in sequence only..A,A#/Bb,B,C,C#/Db,D,D#/Eb,E,F,F#/Gb,G,G#/Ab..its hard to explain so i paste this pic so that its easier to understand what i meant earlier..

hmm i have to practice, practice, practice & practice...
bagus.. da berlatih da ke? aku bru tgh cbe memorize not2 tu gak..
kite cbe lah sme2 ek?
gambate!!satu habuk pun tak faham..useless...tak membantu..hhehe...segala yg terkasar bahasa harap diampunkan...
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