today i've already got usm sticker for my car..yeyeh..soooo happy..i've got the pass for RST too..
xdela rs resah gelisah je xde stiker..hihi jgn jeles ye sape2 yg xdpt stiker tu..
THANX to PEMANIS coz gv me an opportunity to be one of their excos..tu yg ley dpt stiker tu..rezeki agknye..Alhamdulillah...hope next yr pn dpt stiker gk..
mm xtgkp lak gmbr stiker..nnt la klo igt, i'll post it here :p
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan
assalamualaikum sume..arini dh ari ke-4 kte umat Islam berpuase..rsenye stil xlmbt sgt nk wish sume org selamat berpuase!!sempena puase ni, nk cte cket pengalaman bpuase slma 4 ari ni.. :p
Day 1
1st day puase dh tlpas sahur :(..sdey btol..alarm dh set tp lupe nk raise volume hp tu..bgn2 dh kol6..huhu pastu aritu ade presentation pulak..ptotnye dr kol9am-2pm..pastu mcm2 lak mslh..kol10 cmtu bru stat..1 grup ptotnye 20mnit je present + Q&A session tp msg2 amek dlm 30mnit cmtu..kol12.45 lecturer bg rht stgh jam tp mne smpt nk zohor..lum msuk wktu pn..pastu tgh2 presentation tu ktorg pn g la smyg kt msjid usm..dh kua tu rse mls pulak nk blk sne blk so ktorg pn round crk auto car wash..round2 pnye round tah smpi kt mne2 tah,rupe2nye kt bayan baru pn pastu presentation tu nk dkat kol5 bru abes..1st day bbuke ni igt nk mkn sdap2 la..blk blik,ttdo pulak smpi dlm kol7 cmtu..bbuke kol7.30..brula thegeh2 kua crk kdai..kdai2 kt ivory ni pulak ttup..iskk sdey btol..igt nk g mkn kt hammer bay..ttup jgk..dugaan btol 1st day pose ni..last2 bbuke kt qbay..hmmm tu pn dh laen dh bbuke dh.. :(
Day 2
arini bgn sahur megi goreng..pastu bbuke kt qbay jgk sbb kdai2 kt ivory n hammer bay xbkak jgk..huhu
Day 3
sahur roti ngn tuna..buke bli kt bazar..nsk + ikn + sayo = rm4.40..huhu agk mhl tp ok la jgk..bli mcm2 side dish tp last2 xabes gk..huhu tamak
Day 4
sahur nsk + dgg msk merah..buke bli kt yg nk cte ni..bli nsk + sayo + smbl ikn bilis + aym = rm8..huhu mhl gle..biase bli kt cfe ni rm4-rm5 je..cekik drh btol org kt bazar tu..bln2 pose ni cmtu pulak die..xnk dh bli kt ctu..esok buke kt cfe je kot :(
Day 1
1st day puase dh tlpas sahur :(..sdey btol..alarm dh set tp lupe nk raise volume hp tu..bgn2 dh kol6..huhu pastu aritu ade presentation pulak..ptotnye dr kol9am-2pm..pastu mcm2 lak mslh..kol10 cmtu bru stat..1 grup ptotnye 20mnit je present + Q&A session tp msg2 amek dlm 30mnit cmtu..kol12.45 lecturer bg rht stgh jam tp mne smpt nk zohor..lum msuk wktu pn..pastu tgh2 presentation tu ktorg pn g la smyg kt msjid usm..dh kua tu rse mls pulak nk blk sne blk so ktorg pn round crk auto car wash..round2 pnye round tah smpi kt mne2 tah,rupe2nye kt bayan baru pn pastu presentation tu nk dkat kol5 bru abes..1st day bbuke ni igt nk mkn sdap2 la..blk blik,ttdo pulak smpi dlm kol7 cmtu..bbuke kol7.30..brula thegeh2 kua crk kdai..kdai2 kt ivory ni pulak ttup..iskk sdey btol..igt nk g mkn kt hammer bay..ttup jgk..dugaan btol 1st day pose ni..last2 bbuke kt qbay..hmmm tu pn dh laen dh bbuke dh.. :(
Day 2
arini bgn sahur megi goreng..pastu bbuke kt qbay jgk sbb kdai2 kt ivory n hammer bay xbkak jgk..huhu
Day 3
sahur roti ngn tuna..buke bli kt bazar..nsk + ikn + sayo = rm4.40..huhu agk mhl tp ok la jgk..bli mcm2 side dish tp last2 xabes gk..huhu tamak
Day 4
sahur nsk + dgg msk merah..buke bli kt yg nk cte ni..bli nsk + sayo + smbl ikn bilis + aym = rm8..huhu mhl gle..biase bli kt cfe ni rm4-rm5 je..cekik drh btol org kt bazar tu..bln2 pose ni cmtu pulak die..xnk dh bli kt ctu..esok buke kt cfe je kot :(
Friday, July 31, 2009

hi r u?this last few days, i wasn't feeling too started on the saturday night..i started feeling tired n coughing..mayb it's because of my lptop..coz my lptop fell sick too on that friday, i juz take a rest n the next day i was hvg a headache and my cough is, i took 2 tablets of PCM n that evening i felt better..unfortunately, on the next monday morning, i was hvg a high fever about 39.4 degrees..the usm clinic juz gv me 1 day MC and some medications..that evening once again i was hvg a fever n my cough is worse than ever..the headache never go away and on tuesday i didn't go to class but no, i went back to the clinic on wednesday n run a blood test came back normal according to the, the fever n headache all gone away but my cough is too stubborn n i'm suffering from sore medications all finished but i'm not feeling well yet..
-high fever
these r all symptoms for h1n1 but that doctor said my blood test was normal..hope i can get better as soon as possible..
for anybody out there who have this symptoms, go n do blood test..when u cough or sneeze,pls cover ur mouth with handkerchief or tissue or wear mask..don't spread the virus to others k..
usm transkerian already closed down,i don't want this main campus closes down too...

now,my lptop is already recover from its illness,n now is my time to fully recover..

watashino namae wa nur fadhilah desu..
watashiwa ni jyuu ni sai desu..
hehe..i take japanese class this sem..i'm so happy i can finally learn japanese..
for this beginner's class, i'll learn about first, it was quite difficult to memorize the letters but now i'm able to write and read hiragana sentences..but slowly la..n without understand the meaning..hehe..hope to be able to speak and understand japanese after this..dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu..

after 4 months.... :p
hi's almost 4 months since i last published my post here..actually in this past months, i didn't have anything interesting to share with u all..i juz lived my life as a normal student..again this year, i had to take the KSCP exam for 3 papers that i flunked in 1st n 2nd yr :(..once more, i spent my valuable 3weeks holiday period to stay here at usm..the 1st 2 weeks supposed to be study weeks and the last week is the exam week..i have 3 papers to take but as usual,i'm a lazy student n didn't spent that time to stdy but juz hanging around and, on the last week of the KSCP i stdy hard to cover all 3 subjects till i not hv enough time to sleep..fortunately, it's my luck this time-i passed all the subjects..i'm soooo happy coz i didn't 'owe' anymore subjects for my graduation..=) i hope i will pass all my subjects during this another 2 years as a pharmacy's student..ganbate!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
a touching weekend :p
hye all...its been 2months since i updated my blog..
last last saturday(14/3), my family came here to visit me..
hehe actually they were extremely worried bout 'something' that i did and plan to do..
i'm so sorry for making u all worried..
they came here and spent a night at vistana hotel..we rent a family suite and it was great..
the price is also reasonable and the suite is comfortable..
even its for 1 night,i'm very2 happy and touched..
ok..i'll never bring this up again b4 i finish my study,i promised to myself..
here are some pictures...
o sisters n i went swimming there..hehe
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
my sis & i
that pic for the birthday wish is my sis ok..not me..haha :p
p/s: at the center is my other sis..the photographer was my youngest sis.. :p
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
it's already 2 days since the pharmnight is over..i'm really tired and have no time to update this early as 11am, all the committees for the pharmnight were asked to gather at the PALAPES to wait for the bus to take us to the E&O hotel..we arrived at 12pm and started to do the settings and rehearsals for that night's event..i'm a member in sponsorship dept BUT was given all sorts of duties including protocol and physical & technical..i was asked to be a GOH (guard of honor) but to be precise a 'penyambut tetamu'..i had to wear the lab coat while holding the mortar & pestle..huhu i was also asked to be the stage assistant for the performances and bring chairs to the stage for the VIP photography session..luckily, we were out of time and there's not enough time to do the photography session so no need for me to do that..i was so busy that night and sooo tired..i really didn't have time for the dinner but fortunately i already had my dinner before the event started..i also didn't have time to take many photos during that is soooo relieved that it was over..
Saturday, January 17, 2009
SWEET 17th
Today is Jan 17th..
happy birthday to my sis!!!
sweet 17th..
sweet 17th..
may Allah bless u always..
gudluck for your SPM..
i don't know what to get for ur birthday so i let u choose k..
~happy birthday to you~
~happy birthday to you~
~happy birthday to ateh~
~~happy birthday to you~~
SWEET 17th
Friday, January 16, 2009
yesterday was my 2nd day guitar class..we were taught about the note of the guitar..bout fretboard and platrum aka pick..i already understand bout the notes but i wonder how i'll memorized all of it..huhu
usually, the acoustic guitar has 6 strings..they are arranged from the thinnest to the thickest string from bottom to the top respectively..the thinnest string is the 1st string while the thickest string is the 6th from the bottom, 1,2,3,4,5,6..hmm there are 12 notes which are made up from 7 alphabet..A,B,C,D,E,F & G..the 1st string is E note..2nd is B, and then G,D,A,E
respectively..actually i don't know how to explain but i just write what i understand..each fret has its own note..for example,for the 6th string, the note is actually E but for the 1st fret, its note is F, for 2nd fret is F#,3rd is G,4th is G# and the fifth is A..i already memorized all the notes but in sequence only..A,A#/Bb,B,C,C#/Db,D,D#/Eb,E,F,F#/Gb,G,G#/Ab..its hard to explain so i paste this pic so that its easier to understand what i meant earlier..

hmm i have to practice, practice, practice & practice...
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