hi everybody..how r u?this last few days, i wasn't feeling too well..it started on the saturday night..i started feeling tired n coughing..mayb it's because of my lptop..coz my lptop fell sick too on that friday night..so, i juz take a rest n the next day i was hvg a headache and my cough is worse..so, i took 2 tablets of PCM n that evening i felt better..unfortunately, on the next monday morning, i was hvg a high fever about 39.4 degrees..the usm clinic juz gv me 1 day MC and some medications..that evening once again i was hvg a fever n my cough is worse than ever..the headache never go away and on tuesday i didn't go to class but no MC..so, i went back to the clinic on wednesday n run a blood test..my test came back normal according to the doctor..today, the fever n headache all gone away but my cough is too stubborn n i'm suffering from sore throat..my medications all finished but i'm not feeling well yet..
-high fever
these r all symptoms for h1n1 but that doctor said my blood test was normal..hope i can get better as soon as possible..
for anybody out there who have this symptoms, go n do blood test..when u cough or sneeze,pls cover ur mouth with handkerchief or tissue or wear mask..don't spread the virus to others k..
usm transkerian already closed down,i don't want this main campus closes down too...

now,my lptop is already recover from its illness,n now is my time to fully recover..
jahat..ko dah sebar virus kat aku..cakap andai je jgn sebar..ko dah sebar satu dk..jahat..jahat...jahat.. i cnt stop sneezing now..fuck it!!!
hahaha..wan dah kena virus ker
takut nyer x nak sakit...waaa..especially coughing,runny nose and sore throat .the 3 most annoying pain in my life..i could tolerate fever but totally not those 3.
lucky me for get recovered...
haf been worrying if something wrong...
ko pun alhamdullillah..
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