this is a story bout my family..
my dad, Tn Hj Arshad Md Yusof is a principal at SMT Tuanku Jaafar
while my mom, Pn Hjh Fauziah Zakaria is
a 2nd vice director at Politeknik PD.
i hv 2 big bros..Ahmad Redzuan Arshad is my 1st bro..
now in Ireland as a medic student and already hv a fiancee..
he's single but NOT available k...
my 2nd bro, Ahmad Rasyadan Arshad is also a medic student
in UKM..hmm i dont know if he's available but he's single..
and 3rd is me...single and AVAILABLE..hehe
pharmacy student at USM..tah ble la nk abes stdy..
hope to be a medic student again but if ade rezki la...
o yeah..my name is Nur Fadhilah Arshad..
the 4th, 5th n last are all girls..i hv 3 lil sis..
Nur Farahhin Arshad is a form 4 student at SBPI Jempol,
Nur Farhanah Arshad standard 5 at SK Telok Kemang
n d last 1 my cute lil sis..
Nur Faranadia Arshad standard 1..also at SKTK..
hmm she's single but NOT available..hehe...
x caye?tny die sndri la...
adik yang form 4 n standard 5 tu available x?
awat kakak yang available n single..
adik pun dah occupied pun..
yang abg no 1 biler nak kawin...
n yg paling pnting biler ko nak bentuk keluarga baru...
nie soalan kehidupan..
better u answer it with care...
it decide ur life..
having a family is good thing.. for example your's, rite now not the future one (u still looking, so u still dun know who's the gonna be your new future family, hehe.)...
k lah.. semoga keluarga anda bahagia dunia dan akhirat...
hek ale kau nie releks lar...kita masih muda hahahahhaah...
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