Thursday, October 30, 2008

EXAM countdown..

Today is Oct 3oth..

esok 31 oct, lusa 1 nov, tulat 2 nov..wahh dh nk exam dh..huhu
my first paper is on nov 3rd..monday...
see the pic above?it's my wall..hoho
tp xckup lg tu..xtau nk tmpl ktne lg..tu je wall yg ade..
exam dh dkat sgt..risau la...
byk xstdy arap2 lulus sume paper n dpt good rslt..
wish me luck!!
for my friends, gudluck in ur exam too..sme2 la kte brusaha k..chayok!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Q & A (part 1)

Q is taken from friendster...

Q-Do you sleep with one leg out from under the covers?
A-hehe..most of the times..dunno why..
Q-Do you like to hold or be held?
A-mestila due2...hihihi
Q-When was the last time you cried?
A-haa soalan sng nk jwb...2ari lpas...
Q-How many times have you eaten sushi?
A-3x rasenye..
Q-Do you have any saved texts?
A-mestila ade...

Q-Could you go a day without eating?
A-iskkk mne ley...aku idup utk mkn!!!! huhu..mkn utk idup ke idup utk mkn??
Q-What side of a heart do you draw first?
A-my lefthand side...
Q-Have you ever cried from being so mad?
A-hmm pnah kot..klo mrh sgt2 n xley nk blasah sape2..
Q-Where is the next place you will travel to?
A-ahaa...xtau la...tapah kot..hehe
Q-Do you have empty alcohol bottles hidden anywhere?

Q-Last person you commented?
A-commented tu bg komen ke?rmai sgt kot..xigt sape last
Q-Last person you saw other than your family?
A-rumet la...
Q-Do you like getting hugs from other people?
A-hohoho dependsla sape org tu..hikhikhik
Q-Will your next kiss be a mistake?
A-apsal pulak...xpnah aku kiss org by xtau la pasni..hoho
Q-Who is in the room with you?
A-me,my rumet n ....

Q-Do you want kids?
A-of course...!!!!
Q-Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Q-Would you leave the one you love for the hottest person in the world?
A-klo die lg bhgie ngn org tu..biala.. =(
Q-Someone mad at you?
A-mayb yes mayb not
Q-Regret anything? greatest regret..!!!!!!!! is my first regret..nk tau pe die..tgkla "my first"..hoho

Q-Last book you read?
A-hmm oxford dict kire book x?klo x, bku halal haram la yg last..
Q-If you could do something differently, would you go back? ms xley pusing2 blk kn...trime je la ngn redha.......
Q-Are you sarcastic?
A-hoho..sumtimes kot
Q-Would you move to another country to be with the one you love?
A-no doubt..klo ade duet la..huhu n kalo dpt restu parents...
Q-Are you someone who worries too often?
A-not too often..juz sumtimes...

Q-Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?
A-depends on my biasenye out la...ngeh3
Q-Are you tired right now?
A-a'a..mne tau..iskkk
Q-Do you think more about the past, present, or future?
Q-Do you miss anyone?
A-yes!!!always n always will
Q-Have you ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?
A-yeah..that's d reason why i always crying...hoho

Q-Do you plan on moving within the next year?
Q-Do you believe in true love?
Q-Is there someone you wish you were still close with?
Q-Do you currently hate someone?
A-rsenye x...
Q-What are you excited about?

Q-Who's the last person that told you they loved you?
A-xigt pn..lme sgt dh kot xde org ckp cmtu..huhu
Q-What are you craving right now?
A-love.. :p
Q-Do you think two people can last forever?
Q-If you were mad would you tell your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Q-Do you think your first love affects the way you go on with life?
A-ye ye ye ye..absolutely!!!!

Q-Do you like anyone?
A-ye jgk!!
Q-Are you cheating on someone right now?
A-x kot..nk cheating on sape??huhu
Q-Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?
A-hmm..haa..xknal pn sape die..
Q-Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
A-yeah..i'm loyal u know...
Q-Do you dye your hair?
Q-Plans for your next birthday?
A-celebrate with 'sum1'.. :p

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Flash back....

My first HOME: kt xsure ktne..been there only for d 1st few months of my life..
My first SCHOOL: Sekolah Kebangsaan Panglima Adnan (SKPA)..smpi standard 2 je..
My first SPECTACLES: 1st pkai spec ms standard tu xreti plih spec sndri my mom blikn yg plastic..huhu cm org2 tua pkai tu..igt lg..kale coklat2 oren cmtu..
My first HANDPHONE: Nokia 3315 kale biru cair..time tu my 16th bday..nk SPM dh..mule2 tu xbwk g skola sbb brg haram nk dkat2 SPM tu bwk je..kna sorok2 la..huhu
My first HANDPHONE NO.:maxis..still d same..
My first LOST HANDPHONE:huhu..SE W580i white..bru gune 3mgu..xredha sape yg curik tu..
My first PET: a cat..i named him tompok..time tu bela die ngn jiran sblh umah..bela cmtu2 skola rndah..pastu ilang..iskkk
My first CRIME: rse2 nye yg ni la kot 1st..xigt la pulak klo b4 tu pnah ade wt crime lg..hehe time tu xigt la standard bpe..kcik lg la..drjah 2 or 3 kot..curik kunci mangga umah sblh pastu smbunyikn..time tu xsuke ngn g curik ngn kwn..pastu kntoi ngn umi..huhu trok kna mrh =(
My first CAR ACCIDENT: mm time tu bru jgk la dpt lesen..bwk kete manual..kete sewa lak tu..tlanggar kete ape tah..kete lme la..time tu nk reverse tp xpndg tepi belah tu prkg kete sparuh tkua dr prkg lot..tlgr smpi tgrak bumper kete..iskk mlayg rm40….
My first REGRET: let emotions control mind..mmg mnysal sgt2 sbb tlalu ikot a result, failed in exams n tpkse tuka cos…
My first FAILURE: failed in selanjar 1 ms 1st yr kt medic school..pastu asek fail je… =(
My first LOVE: early umo 17thn..fell in love wif sum1 I never met…cinta itu buta kn..hehe xpnah jmpe pn ley t’jtuh rsenye bkn la cnta buta..juz bkn cnta biase..
My first CRUSH: igt lg 1st time suke kt dak tu bru drjh 1..nme die stil igt lg smpi skg..npe ley suke pn xtau la..dhla kcik lg…hehe :p
My first LOVE AT 1ST SIGHT: ms tu 2nd sem mtrik..stdy week klo xslp..xpnah nmpk dis boy b4 dat..1st time nmpk ms stdy week tu la..kt libry..rse2nye love at 1st sight la..1st time nmpk dh tros suke..yg xphmnye,pas abes xm tu..rsenye last day kt mtric,nmpk die ngn sorg girl..tah cmne tah ley pulak air mate mnitis..huhu tp xnnges..air mate je kua..hehe npe ek..
My first BOYFRIEND: mm igt lg dclare couple 4/7/04..2bln je…pastu minx clash..4/9/04..hehe sbnrnye sje2 je minx clash sbb time tu tsuke kt org lain..xsgke pulak die stuju nk clash.. :p
My first HEARTBREAK: mm ni mmg heartbreak gle2..smpi nk gle dh time tu..april 2006..smpi skg xley lupe..n msh saket lg…still bleeding..nk kate ade pnykit hemophilia, xpulak..xtau npe clotting factor x function kt ctu..huhu
My first DATE: ngn org yg xknal..haha..5mnt je..sbb xsuke org tu..xgntleman lgsg..ade ke mkn mknn kte..g la bli sndri..time tu late 2004 klo xslp..
My first CONFESSION: few days after my 20th bday..confess to dis bole pulak die ckp I’m joking..mmgla time tu ckp kt die mcm main2 je..sbb sgan kn..hehe suke je kt die..xsmpi cinta lg la..hoho :p
My first REJECTION: ngn guy yg I confessed tu sdey tu ade rs klaka lbey lg kot..hehe

Any more idea???

Friday, October 10, 2008

syawal 1429H --> =(

ari ni kte nk cte psl ari rye memandangkn raye lum abes lg..
arini bru 10, nk cte cket psl bberape ari b4 rye..
hmm blk utk cuti rye tu mestla sume org sbok dgn bju rye kn..
so, ktorg pn sme la...ktorg biase tempah bju rye kt org..
time tu dh 29 ramadhan..ari isnin..
tukg jht tu xcal2 pn nk suro ktrog g amek
bju ke ape, ktorg pn call la die..
pastu die kate ley dtg amek esok (30 ramadhan)..
so, esoknye ktorg call lg nk tnye psl bju..pastu korg tau pe die ckp??
bju rye xjhit lg....iskk..bengang gle time tu..
adeke sehari b4 rye bru nk ckp bju rye xjhit lg..
sdey tau...dh la bju yg anta tu utk 1st day rye..
ktorg biase pkai bju ikot tema kaler..
so, rye thn ni aku sorg je la yg xpkai bju rye ikot tema kale..
sbb bju yg anta kt die tu bju aku..
bju adik2 aku anta kt org lain..dh lme siap..iskk =(
k la..lupe kn jela..seb baik ade bju rye yg bli siap..
cte ni bkisar kpd mgu prtama raye..hehe
1 syawal...
cm biase pg syawal, umat Islam wat solat sunat aidilfitri..
blk dr solat, ktorg mkn nsk dagang..juadah wajib pg rye..
lemang,rndg aym & dgg + hati + paru, ktupat palas, nsk impit pn ade...
pas mkn, slm2..bmaaf2an..pastu ktorg igt nk tgkp gmbr 1 fmly..
pas tuka bju,siap2..lupe lak..tros msuk kete g jln rye..iskk
rye thun ni xde gmbr fmly.. =(
pastu g la jln rye..xde cte best nk gtau..
nk gtau psl lupe tgkp gmbr je..huhu
seperti thn2 lpas, ari rye ke-2 ktorg akn braye ke KL..
ni nk cte psl ktorg rye kt umah bkl akak ipar..kt tmn melawati..
msuk2 umah die je aku bau cm bnde t' bunge api ade gk..
tp xknla org main bunge api siang2..time tu ptg..dlm kol5 cm tu la..
rupe2nye ade accident kt blkg umah tu..kt bwh bukit..
xtaula punce accdnt yg pastinye kete tu t' mletup la..
b'asap2...igtkn kete wira kale biru ade sticker subaru..
rupe2nye mmg kete subaru..ish3..rugi tol..kete mhl tuu..
pastu punye la lmbt bomba nk dtg..smpi mletup skali lg kete tu..
dh xde rupe kete dh..hmm dgr2 driver die ppuan..selamat klo x slp..
tp xsure sgt la..wallahualam..
so,kpd sape2 yg bwk kete ke, moto ke..lori ke bas ke..
whatever la, pandula dgn cermat..igtlah org yg t'syg..
hmm FYI, gmbr kt ats tu, surat from my youngest sis..
hehe my sis ni suke sgt tls, die tls surat ni ms ari rye ke-5..
time tu cuti rye dh abes..tiap kali abes cuti je, mest dpt surt dr die..

Monday, October 6, 2008

my family...

this is a story bout my family..

my dad, Tn Hj Arshad Md Yusof is a principal at SMT Tuanku Jaafar
while my mom, Pn Hjh Fauziah Zakaria is
a 2nd vice director at Politeknik PD.
i hv 2 big bros..Ahmad Redzuan Arshad is my 1st bro..
now in Ireland as a medic student and already hv a fiancee..
he's single but NOT available k...
my 2nd bro, Ahmad Rasyadan Arshad is also a medic student
in UKM..hmm i dont know if he's available but he's single..
and 3rd is me...single and AVAILABLE..hehe
pharmacy student at USM..tah ble la nk abes stdy..
hope to be a medic student again but if ade rezki la...
o name is Nur Fadhilah Arshad..
the 4th, 5th n last are all girls..i hv 3 lil sis..
Nur Farahhin Arshad is a form 4 student at SBPI Jempol,
Nur Farhanah Arshad standard 5 at SK Telok Kemang
n d last 1 my cute lil sis..
Nur Faranadia Arshad standard 1..also at SKTK..
hmm she's single but NOT available..hehe...
x caye?tny die sndri la...

carik calon??

ermm..crk calon??

smnjak 2 mnjak ni..slalu je pk psl nk crk calon..
calon bf, calon suami..hehe umo pn dh mkin mngkat.. :p
tp xde sape pulak yg sesuai djadikn calon..
nk wt cmne ek...yg kte bknan, xbknan kt kte..
yg bknan kt kte, kte xbknan pulak..
nk crk calon yg ade sume ciri2 yg kte nk tu yg ssh..
ble dh jmpe, kna reject pulak..huhu =(
yg kte xnk, nk kt kte lak..
mmgla ade org ckp baik kte trime je org yg nk kt kte tu..
drpd kte tgu org yg kte klo xbhgia, nk wtpe kn..
mslhnye skg ssh la nk lupe kt 'sum1' tu..setia la katekn..hehe
so, kna la crk org lain utk lupekn c dia ni..

tp, mne nk crk calon ni ek????

Saturday, October 4, 2008

selamat hari raya!!

selamat ari rye!!
arini dh ari rye ke4 dh pun..
ttbe rse nk tulis blog pulak..
b4 tu...lupe lak nk bg salam..

mm esok bru ari rye ke5 tp dh kna blk hstel..iskk
pastu ade kuiz la, test la..huhu
nway,slmt ari rye n maaf zhir btin..
xtau nk tls ape..1st blog ni kire cm trial la..hehe :p


welcome welcome welcome!!

assalamualaikum sume...
WeLcOme tO mY BlOg !!

hehe..bestnye ble igt blk ms g lata tembakah aritu..huhu misz u neda xde?hehe

sorila neda..lnkali aku ltak pic ko k...dun worry!!